New Spring/Summer Atlas Report on health care edges Set-Asides

New Spring/Summer Atlas Report on health care edges Set-Asides
Every quarter, Atlas Structured Settlements releases its report on health care problems as well as health care Set-Asides. The Spring/Summer report is out. Topics include:

CMS Moves to health care Beneficiary symbol
Version 2.7 of the WCMSA Reference Guide printed
WCMSA Submission Guidelines: A Refresher
Budget Act of 2018 Limits Medicaid Third-Party Recovery Rights
New industrial reimbursement Center (CRC) Contractor Takes the Reins
New Workers’ Compensation Review Contractor in situ
LMSA standing – Is CMS Moving Toward Liability Review?
One section of the report could be a fast refresher on the submission tips for Workers’ Compensation health care booked (MSA) Arrangements. It’s worthy to review.

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